發布單位 諮商輔導組 發布日期 2018/12/18
附件 安心.祝福.愛的叮嚀_頁面_1.jpg  安心.祝福.愛的叮嚀_頁面_2.jpg  免費諮詢專線.jpg









  1. 恢復原來的生活作息,均衡飲食減少熬夜狀況,穩定與規律的節奏會幫助您感到安心與自在。
  2. 選擇隨身攜帶能夠安心的小物品,如同平安符、祝福的語句,以平穩心情。
  3. 將注意力轉移至平時的興趣或關心的事物上,和親友、好友們一起做一些讓心情放鬆、平靜的活動,例如,運動、畫畫、舞蹈、閱讀等。









Dear students and colleagues:

   Yesterday, there was an unfortunate incident with a student in the dormitory. We believe that no matter what you know of the incident, the news will be a shock, heavy and sad. The school is fully assisting the family of the student to handle related matters. The counseling and counseling team of the Academic Affairs Office has also started our counseling program, hoping to assist all students and teachers at NKUHT through this painful incident.


   This incident may give rise to feelings of fear and uneasiness within us, and it is normal to have some physical and emotional reactions (How to recovering from trauma- https://goo.gl/cWMV8F). At this time, we might think about how, when we are facing fear or uncertainty, we can help ourselves and our classmates face this situation together. Here are a few suggestions to share with you:


(1) Expression of Emotions:

  It is important to face and accept your own emotions. Don't deny or suppress emotions. What emotions need is not resolution but understanding. You can share your current emotions with your trusted friends, teachers, and classmates. You can help yourself process your thinking through dialogue. Take some time talking about your understanding and feelings of the situation.

 (2) Mutual support:

  In addition, we sincerely hope that all teachers and classmates can be more caring and inclusive to those around us. In this heartbreaking moment, we need to support each other. If you find colleagues or friends around you who are affected by this incident, you can provide companionship and listening. Be sure to avoid criticizing or judging each other, and if you think someone needs more help, refer them to a teacher or the Counseling Section.

(3) Life and stability:

    1. Resume your original work and rest balance. Maintain a normal diet and keep regular sleep times.The steady and regular rhythm will help you feel at ease and at peace.

    2. Choose to carry small items that help you feel at ease, like a statement of peace and blessing or charm to calm your mood.

    3. Turn your attention to your usual interests and concerns, and work with friends to do activities that are relaxing and calming, such as sports, painting, dancing, reading, and so on.


   If you continue to feel anxiety, nervousness, fear, etc. for more than two weeks, and have changes in your mood, it is recommended to find time to reflect with your family and trusted friends. You can also seek counseling or other counseling resources (free psychology). Consultation line: Ministry of Health and Welfare 24-hour suicide prevention and treatment consultation for peace of mind 0800-788-995 (Chinese), Lifeline 1995 (Chinese), Teacher Zhang 1980 (Chinese);


     If you find that your peers are obviously affected, please inform the school emergency contact line immediately 07-8034727, the School Counseling Section 07-8060505 #1351 (English) (Monday to Friday 8:30-17:30) or call the 110 report line.


   During this time, we sincerely hope that everyone can learn to be aware of and care for themselves and adapt to their own feelings and needs in the way that suits them best. All the teachers and resources of the school are here for you and will help you. We hope everyone can work together to share the power of mutual support from this experience. We hope that you and those close to you continue to work together to welcome every new day!



 Counseling Section

 Student Affairs Office

           December 19, 2018