發布單位 諮商輔導組 發布日期 2021/05/14

Dear   同學




預約請至:諮商輔導服務E化系統 (收到您的預約申請後,會再與您聯絡後續輔導安排事宜)



 最近起伏的情緒帶來不適,也可參考<安心.放心warm your heart>,運用這些方法來舒緩情緒、自我照顧。





07-8060505 分機13302-13306



Dear all students,

The recent COVID-19 coronavirus is hitting our life and thus could bring impacts to our psychological status.

We’ like to let you know that the counselors here in school are very willing to help if you are undergoing any mental discomfort.

If you have been concerning about your mental health, you can take a test by filling in theBrief Symptom Rating Scale (BSRS-5) and we will contact you if necessary.

You can also read our mental health resource "Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19" to learn about self-care tips to keep yourself physically and mentally healthy.

Last, if you need our counseling service, please email us directly to tell us who you are and the times you are available to come,

e.g. Monday 3pm-5pm. We will be in contact with you shortly.

We genuinely hope all of us will go through this challenge together.


Sincerely Yours,

Counselling Section & Resource Room of Student Affairs Office


English counseling hours:

Mon14:20-17:20/Wed 14:20-17:20

Email: wish@live.nkuht.edu.tw

Phone Call: 07-8060505 #13302-13306